Child anxiety: why this is a problem and what can we do about it?

Download the Report Child anxiety is on the rise… Anxiety disorders stand out as the most common mental health challenges among children, affecting up to one in three during their childhood, often co-occurring with conditions like depression, ADHD, ASD, and eating disorders.The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this issue, potentially doubling anxiety rates among children. Even […]

The Fedcap Group Solution Series: Socially Responsible Investing

Socially Responsible Investing

Previous slide Next slide Download the Report Socially responsible investing (SRI) targets the world’s most pressing challenges—scarce resources, climate change, poverty, human rights, diversity, and economic inequality. An astonishing $12 trillion–more than one out of every four dollars under management in the U.S. — is invested based on SRI strategies. What is the responsibility of business?   […]

Solution Series: Maximizing Organizational Intelligence: Building Capacity to Create and Strategically Use Knowledge

Maximizing Organizational Intelligence

Previous slide Next slide Download the Report The Fedcap Group’s 16th Solution Series, Maximizing Organizational Intelligence: Building Capacity to Create and Strategically Use Knowledge was a great success, with a full house at Mutual of America building and hundreds from across the nation participating via live stream. The topic is especially significant to The Fedcap Group during […]

solution series women veterans transitioning to civilian life

women ventarens

Download the Report On March 27 Fedcap held its 15th Solution Series, Women Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Life. The overflow crowd included business partners, and representatives from academia, community and government organizations. Hundreds more, from across the country and overseas, joined the event via livestream. In opening remarks, Fedcap President and CEO Christine McMahon said […]

Solution Series: The Employment of People with Disabilities: Moving Beyond Social Responsibility to a Business Solution

SS-17 oct

Previous slide Next slide Download the Report On October 3rd Fedcap held its 14th biannual Solution Series – The Employment of People with Disabilities: Moving Beyond Social Responsibility to a Business Solution. The overflow crowd included business partners, and representatives from community and government organizations that support the Fedcap family of agencies. If you were […]

Solution Series: Why Business Should Support Early Childhood Education: Building a Workforce Pipeline for the 21st Century Business

Solution Series

Previous slide Next slide Download the Report Fedcap held its 13th Solution Series – Why Business Should Support Early Childhood Education: Building a Workforce Pipeline for the 21st Century Business – on March 29 at Mutual of America. An overflow crowd of Fedcap business partners, academia, government, community nonprofit partners donors and staff attended the event. A […]

Solution Series: Leading as Women: How Women are Increasing Productivity and Changing Business


Previous slide Next slide Download the Report Fedcap recently held its 12th Solution Series – Leading as Women: How Women Are Increasing Productivity and Changing Business.  The event took place on October 11th at Mutual of America and drew an overflow crowd of Fedcap supporters, and business and political leaders from the community.  Hundreds of people in multiple […]

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