Solution series

In 2011, The Fedcap Group launched its first Solution Series addressing the employment of soldiers returning from war. Since that time, we have explored issues such as the impact of increasing the minimum wage, immigration policy and filling workforce gaps; employment of the returning citizens (previously incarcerated); leveraging the talents of older workers as a competitive advantage; mental health and addiction in the workplace and many other critical issues of our times.
Our Solution Series forums have included nationally recognized individuals such as Congressman Patrick Kennedy; Luis Tejada-Vice President of Goya Foods; Shay Bilchik, Director of the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University; Michael Weinstein, Economist and CEO of Impact Matters; Anna Oliveria, President of the New York Women’s Foundation; Jim Salazar, President of Clark Shoes; Doug Rausch, President of Trader Joes; staff from the US Chamber of Commerce; Commissioners of Child Welfare, DOL and Education; and many more.

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Empowering Students Through Esports

Esports has emerged as an important tool for fostering both academic and social development for students, including neurodivergent individuals. By combining structured environments, teamwork, and strategy-based challenges, competitive inclusive gaming

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