Forging an Innovative Model to Break Down Barriers to New York City Tech Sector Employment for Individuals with Autism

The tech sector in the New York City region is booming, but persistent workforce gaps need to be addressed. According to the New York City Economic Development Corporation, tech sector jobs grew seven times faster than overall job growth in the city between 2010 and 2021, adding an impressive 114,000 jobs. Despite this growth, New York City struggles to fill these positions due to significant skills gaps. A 2019 report by HR&A found that 70% of employers faced challenges hiring in the sector, despite tech sector wages being 80% higher than the average New York City job.


A primary reason for these hiring challenges is the persistent digital skills divide. A recent survey by Salesforce found that three out of four respondents lacked the necessary digital skills, disproportionately impacting underserved communities. The autism community is often overlooked in workforce opportunities yet remains a “hidden,” but important population that could meet workforce demand (Andrews, 2022) in the tech sector (Palumbo, 2022). In a 2017 Harvard Business Review article, Austin and Pisano state, “The case for neurodiverse hiring is especially compelling given the skills shortages that increasingly afflict technology and other industries.”


There is a tremendous opportunity to fill key tech positions in New York City through a digital skills training program tailored to individuals with autism, focusing on high-demand tech fields.

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