Empowering Students Through Esports

Esports has emerged as an important tool for fostering both academic and social development for students, including neurodivergent individuals. By combining structured environments, teamwork, and strategy-based challenges, competitive inclusive gaming offers an innovative approach to education that meets the unique needs of students. Esports not only engages these students in tailored learning experiences but also […]

Mary Van Haneghan

Mary Van Haneghan. Ed.D. Fellow With over 20 years of leadership experience in the nonprofit sector, Dr. Mary Van Haneghan has devoted her career to advancing the rights and opportunities of individuals with disabilities, particularly those in underrepresented communities. Currently, she serves as the Executive Director of Easterseals Lonestar, part of the Fedcap Group, where […]

Child anxiety: why this is a problem and what can we do about it?

Download the Report Child anxiety is on the rise… Anxiety disorders stand out as the most common mental health challenges among children, affecting up to one in three during their childhood, often co-occurring with conditions like depression, ADHD, ASD, and eating disorders.The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this issue, potentially doubling anxiety rates among children. Even […]

Seema Shah

Seema Shah Technology and Innovation Fellow Seema Shah is the Executive Director of Civic Hall, the new connective hub for the tech workforce development and entrepreneurial community in New York. Civic Hall’s mission is to support and enable best-in-class programs that help close the digital skills divide and plan for the needs of tomorrow’s workforce. […]

Jim Malatras

Jim Malatras, PhD Director As Chief Strategy Officer, Dr. Malatras drives research, policy and strategic planning for The Fedcap Group. As Sr. VP of Education, he is responsible for designing and overseeing innovative solutions that expand educational access for children and adults with barriers to sustainable economic well-being.Dr. Malatras brings a wealth of experience to […]

Carol Kellerman

Carol Kellerman Senior Fellow Carol is a life-long public servant who has dedicated her career to helping make New York State and City better places to live and work. In 2019 she retired after eleven years as President of the Citizens Budget Commission, a highly regarded nonprofit fiscal watchdog. Previously she was the CEO of […]

Michael Bernier

Michael Bernier Fellow Michael Bernier is a distinguished executive operations leader boasting an extensive track record in global business operations, project execution, customer care, and facilities management over two decades. Renowned for his prowess in optimizing business processes and systems, Michael serves as the Assistant VP of Operations at Fedcap Inc., with a primary focus […]

Dan Fuller

Dan Fuller Fellow Dan Fuller joined Ostroff Associates in 2022, bringing over two decades of experience in legislative and public policy roles at both state and federal levels. His distinguished career is marked by successful advocacy and legislative campaigns benefiting nonprofit and education associations nationwide.Notably, Dan served as Deputy Secretary of Education for Governors Hochul […]

Jay Quaintance

Jay Quaintance Education Policy Fellow With 20+ years of teaching, administration and policy analysis and development experience in higher education as a results-oriented, values-driven individual, Jay Quaintance served as President at SUNY Sullivan Community College for seven years. During this tenure, the college established three early-college high school programs, created innovative collaborations that allowed union-sponsored […]

Yaara Shimshoni

Yaara Shimshoni, PhD Senior Research Fellow Dr. Shimshoni is a clinical psychologist and a Community Faculty member, Clinical Assistant Professor, at the Yale School of Medicine, where she participates in funded research projects and oversees treatments of anxious children and their parents. Dr. Shimshoni works closely with Dr. Eli Lebowitz, the co-director of the anxiety […]

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